VOL.1 - Jan/Feb
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2010. I think it's going take a little while to get used to the idea since 2009 came and went so quickly.
I've made no New Year's resolutions so I won't have to worry about them getting broken early on, but I do wish for all of us lots of HAPPINESS and GOOD HEALTH with just a touch of PROSPERITY thrown in.
Last year was a remarkable one for Primitive Pieces by Lynda, especially during a time when the economy was bad, people were laid off and an over all feeling of doom was in the news every day. Growth under those circumstances was a good thing.
I feel very blessed to be able to work in such a wonderful creative world. I have met so many wonderful people and cherish the friends I've made. I am able to work from my home, enjoy my husband of 41 years, my children and their wives and our grand children. After working in the corporate world for others for so many years, I decided that having fun was first and foremost in my life. I am having the best time playing with all of you! And, I really do appreicate you like the same things I do.
My vision for this year is to produce patterns you can have fun with. There will be quilts, of course, and more wool projects. I love when you take an idea that I've provided and make something new and exciting from it. And, I especially love it when you share that project with me by sending in pictures. PLEASE continue to do so.
There will be more pattern bundles in the coming year. I've heard from so many of you that you like the idea of paying for one pattern, but reeiving multiple pattern ideas. Thank you for letting me know you like them. I really do get encouraged when you tell me what you like or what you'd like to see. Sharing ideas is always fun.
A new book is in the workds. I am very excited to be working with the Kansas City Star. It will be available in July 2010. I won't spoil the surprise of what it's about, but I hope you will enjoy making the pieces you will see in the book.
Quilts on Plum Lane, Dade City, Florida, April 29th
Primitives of the Midwest, Lee's Summit, Missouri - July 28-31st
Continue Growth means "Changes" Here are some changes for 2010.
A. Some of the patterns will be retired this year. This is a first, but I'm totally running out of room and there will be many more patterns to come. Retirement means that these particular patterns will be no longer printed and packaged for sale. They will now be offered as E-Patterns only. You will order them by email and paid just like you do the others, but you will receive a pdf file of instructions and a .jpeg picture of the project. These will be sent to you by email only.There is a limited quantity of printed patterns still available so if you want the printed pattern please get them soon.
1. Pinny's Posies
2. Big Dipper
3. One Ringy Dingy
4. Jeepers Creepers
5. Here Comes the Judge
6. Crow Sewing Bird
7. Rotary Cutter Holder
8. Primitive Sketches Table Runner
9. Family Branch
10. Honey Bee's and Butterflies
11. Dry Goods
12. Tying the Knot
B. Keeping up with multiple email lists has been a challenge. Starting this month all news updates will go out to everyone. If you wish to be removed from the email list, please do so by sending me an email with REMOVE in the subject line.
PATTERN PRICES - there will be NO PATTERN PRICE INCREASE THIS YEAR! The prices on this website reflect full retail prices. If you are in the pattern club, you receive them at a discounted rate.
PICTURES - All pictures you share with me will continue to be on the website. However, all the FREE pattern, given only to pattern club members, pictures will be shared on my blog.
NEWS UPDATES - All news will be posted on my website. You will receive an email stating there is something new for you to see. I continually get emails back because of one reason or another. And, I do know some of you are not getting them at all. Therefore, to insure you see everything there is, I will post news updates right here. I am going to try to archive them so that you can go back and see the last newsletter when the current one is posted. What I know about computer's will fit in my thimble, so please be patient with me.
POSTAGEIf you are not sure what the postage will be when you order patterns, please email me first before you order. I will be happy to email you the correct amount. You can also see the rates on the mercantile page of this site.
PATTERN CORRECTIONS - For all new members to the email/pattern club - if an error occurs on one of the patterns..and trust me, it's going to happen....corrections are made on the link from the telegraph button on the home page. It's unfortunate this happens, but we are all human. If you feel there is something wrong and you don't see a correction on the website, please write to me. Perhaps others haven't started that pattern and therefore it's not been caught. Of course, perhaps it's correct too. (Yeah!) p align="left">I love when you send me an idea or a suggestion. It takes all of us working together to make the quilting experience fun. I hope we all have a very special 2010..........I'm counting on it! Please continue to let me know what you like or don't, what changes you'd like to see, what projects you'd like to have.
NEW BLOG!When you have a minute, please visit www.primitivepiecesbylynda.blogspot.com I hope you will join the blog because we've been having fun there! Until next time, Happy New Year Hugs, Lynda