A SPECIAL PROJECT! I was asked by a friend that knew a friend, and so on....to design a block that others could make and eventually be turned into a quilt and/or quilts that could be auctioned off next year to raise money for breast and/or ovarian cancer. I wish I could take the credit for this, but Quilts for a Cause, Inc. is the group that have asked for this help. There is not one of us that have not been touched in one way or another by this horrible disease. Each person working on this project sent me personal letters when they returned their blocks telling me that their block was dedicated to a friend or a family member. I was so touched by everyone's letters and felt that no matter who ended up with the quilts we made they couldn't help but know each stitch came from the heart. I am so grateful to my pattern club members and some of their friends for their support. Names for the quilts were voted on and here are the names chosen: MANY HANDS, MUCH HOPE, FLOWERS OF HOPE AND MY SISTER'S FLOWER GARDEN A very special THANK YOU to everyone that participaed. On the following pages you will see the blocks everyone made, the quilt tops put together, and then the finished quilts. Our project is now complete and all three quilts have been sent to Tucson, Arizona to Quilts for a Cause, Inc. The auction is to be held in October. You can see the quilts that have been donated by visiting their website....www.quiltforacause.org On a more personal note, this entire project took on a much more personal note when we lost my sister, Sharron Mudore, to lung cancer this year. She was able to participate in this project and I know she's smiling now that it's been completed. Good job everyone! Hugs, Lynda

This is the block everyone worked on. The block is a flower block, 15 inches square. I do believe the recipient of this quilt(s) will have a lovely flower garden!
Here are the finished quilts -

Row 1 (l/r)Cindy Dickenson, Ingrid Quitslund, Marie Beers, Cindy Dickenson, Cherie Reynolds; Row 2 (l/r) Alice Shaw,Pat Harrell, Tammy Maki, (?), Jeri Wolfe; Row 3 (l/r) Ingrid Quitslund, Cathy Hansen, Sindy Herd, Sue Higley, Cathleen Rainey; Row 4 (l/r) Kathy Clemons, Liz Stanis, Alice Shaw, Patti Levine, Jeannie Arnieri

This picture is of the breast cancer block quilt that Cheryl Mills machine quilted. It has been shipped off to Quilts for a Cause, Inc. I am so proud of everyone that participated on this project. Thank you so very much. I know everyone that sees this quilt will be impressed with all the hard work and devotion you have shown and whomever bids the most and receives this quilt will know that it was done with alot of love from you.

This is the second breast cancer quilt completed. It's called "Flowers of Hope". Dori Hawks returned this quilt just the other day all completed. Thanks Dori.

The third and final quilt to be returned to me was quilted by Amber Coffey. This quilt is called "Many Hands Much Hope". Thank you Amber for your contribution.
I received a telephone call from Jeannie Beahan from Quilts for a Cause, Inc. this week saying all three of the quilts arrived safely and to say "Thank You" to each of you for your participation. She was delighted with the quilts. She informed me that it would take a couple of weeks for our quilts to show up on their website, but they will be there for you to see.
Her parting remark was that she would keep us in mind for future endeavors.